Our Cor­po­rate Culture

As a diverse team with dif­fe­rent back­grounds, skills and fields of exper­tise, we create a fee­ling of belon­ging and a sense of com­mu­nity among each other as we all take part in crea­ting a healthy and safe cor­po­rate cul­ture. The four core ele­ments of our cor­po­rate cul­ture are team spi­rit, self-impro­­ve­­ment, equity and flexibility.

Team Spi­rit

While work con­di­ti­ons change con­stantly in our dyna­mic world, we know that we can always rely on our team.

To ensure a team spi­rit that crea­tes a sense of belon­ging and com­mu­nity we treat each other with open­ness, respect and appreciation.


To keep up with new tech­no­lo­gies, methods and tools it is our prio­rity to regu­larly improve our­sel­ves through fur­ther edu­ca­tion, trai­ning and seminars.

By incre­asing the skills and com­pe­ten­ces of each team mem­ber indi­vi­du­ally, we create more value for the whole organisation.


Diver­sity and equity are key ele­ments of our values and cor­po­rate culture.

We create oppor­tu­ni­ties for each team mem­ber to com­bine their family and work life in a healthy way adjus­ted to everyone’s indi­vi­dual needs.


When we say fle­xi­bi­lity, we mean it. Every team mem­ber can decide if they want to work remo­tely or hybrid.

This includes the fle­xi­ble allo­ca­tion of hours — accor­ding to the indi­vi­dual needs of each team member.

Advan­ta­ges for our employees

Our goal is to make ever­yone feel com­for­ta­ble and valued. That is why we offer spe­cial advan­ta­ges and bene­fits for all our employees no mat­ter if you are a per­ma­nent employee in full-time or part-time, a working stu­dent or an intern).

Per­so­nal Wellbeing

  • 30 days holi­day (basis= 5‑day week)
  • fle­xi­ble working hours / work-life integration
  • com­pen­sa­tion for overtime
  • pro­vi­sion of bever­a­ges, fruit and snacks

Career Deve­lo­p­ment

  • exter­nal and inter­nal trai­ning opportunities
  • short trial period of 4 weeks
  • equip­ment for working in a home office

Finan­cial Support

  • com­pany pen­sion scheme
  • pay­ment of par­king and public trans­port costs
  • bene­fits in kind (e.g. vouchers)

Are you inte­res­ted in working at Steg­mann and Company?
Take a look at our open posi­ti­ons or send us an unso­li­ci­ted application.

Our moti­va­tion: vision, mis­sion and values

As a team, we jointly deve­lo­ped the vision and mis­sion of Steg­mann and Com­pany. Our vision and mis­sion moti­vate us every day to give our best and achieve the opti­mal out­come for our cus­to­mers. With a clear and uni­form cor­po­rate cul­ture, our values are part of all our tasks, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, inter­ac­tions and rela­ti­onships. This way every team mem­ber actively lives our values with respon­si­bi­lity and the goal to reach the objec­ti­ves of our customers.

Our vision

As a con­fi­den­tial and com­pe­tent part­ner, we are THE pio­neer for your digi­tal transformation.

On your way into the future, we accom­pany you as a coach and impulse gene­ra­tor with a holi­stic approach.

Our mis­sion

We increase your effi­ci­ency and drive your inno­va­tion to achieve a bet­ter ope­ra­ting result.

We advise and accom­pany you by using appro­priate tools & methods
to rea­lize future ready digi­ta­liza­tion pro­jects tog­e­ther with you.

Our values

At Steg­mann and Com­pany we active live the fol­lo­wing values:

Unternehmenswert Empathie


Unternehmenswert Integrität


Unternehmenswert Offenheit


Unternehmenswert Kompetenz


Unternehmenswert Authentizität


Unternehmenswert Ehrlichkeit


Unternehmenswert Qualität


Unternehmenswert Engagement
